Incident Management

Bild Incident-List The incident management module in laPSS is used for collecting, processing, analysis and interpretation of incident data.
As incident each accident, incident and near miss is understood.

The efficient collection and analysis of incident data is an important part of the safety work to prevent a recurrence of accidents and possible future accidents effectively.
The collection, analysis and evaluation of near misses is more important the higher the safety standards of a company are.

Incident gathering

With laPSS an efficient collection and management of the incident data is easy. A simple input form for the reporting of incidents can then be activated for each employee in the company.

laPSS can be configured in that way, so that according to incident category, risk potential or section a group of persons will be informed by email.
The incident categories can be defined freely.

Actions are managed in the general action tracking system.

Bild Incident-Input

Analysis of Causes

Only when the causes of an incident are known, a recurrence of this incident or similar incidents can likely be avoided in future .

The cause categories can be freely defined in laPSS. These categories will be used for statistical analysis.

Professional Safety Software © 2006-2025 by PSS association